Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not Hannah Montana

So, Gige went ahead and had that baby! She was all, "Ok, I'm ready. I don't wanna wait two weeks." And Hailey was all, "Fine, lets get that mucous plug out HOW ABOUT THAT?!"

We talked yesterday for an hour, her doctor said she was 3cm dilated but that it would probably be a few days and she should just go ahead and go to work tomorrow. So we were chatting about nothing really, maybe a little bit about how her life was going to change FOREVER, but other than that it was all - I'm so excited to see Time Traveler's Wife, and how she liked the smell of her loofah (seriously, the loofah took up a huge chunk of the conversation; we don't accomplish much in the way of world peace when we talk, but we do solve a lot of the world's problems regarding good things to smell).

Anyway, I started to get hungry and Gige was like, "Yeah I have to go to the grocery store but **yawn** I'm tired." Cut to a few hours later and she's bringing a human to life. All I did was vacuum. It seemed like a good accomplishment at the time but she just haaaaad to one up me.

And holy crap she did.

Goopy eyed babies are so dang cute. It makes my ovaries hurt just looking at this.

I got Bryan's text that he was a dad right before I went on my run this morning, and then proceeded to immediately lose my cool and cry at a stop sign. A homeless guy stopped to ask me if I was ok and I just nodded and told him my best friend had a baby, and he then asked me for a quarter.

These two people....

...made this.

And that, is pretty fucking awesome.

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