Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pull This Thread As I Walk Away

Every day, for the past two days, I have heard a Weezer song right when I pull into work at 6:30am (the devil time).
I'm pretty sure this is a sign from God that Joaquin Phoenix and I are meant to be together.


Because obviously he knew that Rivers always reminds me of Joaquin. Obviously.

God is really clever sometimes.

And apparently in charge of all radio stations in Southern California. But then again, who else would play Ace of Base and Wilson Phillips back to back making Tuesday morning the Best Morning Ever?

Nobody merely human. That's who.


Anonymous said...

If guys with scars do it for you, then you probably look at me as a 'walking aphrodisiac'...

Anna said...

That is super creepy about the Weezer song at 6:30. Maybe the dj is obsessed and figures no one is listening that early. I say just run with your J.P. fantasy, but know that Mama wants a taste too.

Carrie said...

Oh, is that what you called Grady that day? I could have sworn you said he was a "walking psycho-maniac."

JP said...

Why does everyone have to have a J.P. fantasy? Frankly it gets tiring after awhile.