Thursday, February 25, 2010

Building Things

So my sister and I both get home around 7pm, and while I strip down like I'm on fire so that I can get my sweats on (before an alarm goes off apparently? I'm not kidding, most days I rip off my clothes so fast and throw those sweats on that I don't even have time to put my purse down or close the front door so point-three seconds after I walk into the house I've got my pjs on, and my purse slung over my shoulder inside my hoodie, while I'm waving good-evening to the neighbors), my sister stares into the fridge for a good twenty minutes until I come in and start cooking some dinner (toast) and setting the table (throwing a fork onto the couch) and then we both sit down for some dinner and relaxation (seven hours of Keeping Up With The Kardashians).

The reason we get home so late and then fall asleep together in a heap on the couch by 8pm is because we've both been working a ton. However, my work is not that thrilling because no one is impressed when I come home sweaty and exhausted saying, "I did a corporate return with twelve rentals today! And eight of them were out of state!" (except maybe my mom. and carrie.) But my sister comes home and shows me this MILLION DOLLAR MANSION she just designed and I'm all - Wow! That really is worth all the tired couch-ing you've been doing!

Because seriously, the stuff she does is amazing. It's stuff you see in glossy magazines, and art books. It's professional, and gorgeous, and so . . . impressive. In my head she just sits at her computer all day drawing with the spray paint tool in Photoshop, and makes little houses out of triangles on top of squares, but apparently that's not really how it goes. Apparently she's actually an architect for real people. Not the stick figure people I imagine I will draw to live in her little photoshop houses. What?! But she's only eight! (Oh how her and Michael will talk about me in therapy, and how I refuse to let go of their nicknames, Sugarbutt, and Bubilicious)

Unfortunately I can't show you the house because it's apparently top secret, and I would show you a tax return I just did but I don't want you to all fall asleep, so instead I give you this table my sister's firm is using in someone's house. I. Want. One. I will have nightmares about it, but still, for five minutes it would be awesome.


Becky said...

That table seriously creeps me out like spiders do! Ick!! It's the expanding round table that we're using. . . And I'm going to figure out some way to make a bed that does that for me not a client. Hey-yo!

Carrie said...

Of course, Amy dear (I have to talk like I'm your mom sometimes, instead of the girl you like to hand your panties to), I'm very impressed with your work. Mostly because of the fact that I know first-hand how many different parts of that frilly-green carpet in several offices that each file has to sit on for weeks at a time before you actually scoop it up and work your number magic, but still.

And OH MY GOD I'M SO FREAKED OUT BY THAT MONSTER TABLE RIGHT NOW!!! Like it's coming to eat me (with the mouth it doesn't have).

There you go, combine the two. A walking monster table with an expanding round mouth that gobbles people up.

If you'll excuse me, I've got a blockbuster script to write.