Saturday, March 20, 2010

Curly Might Actually Be Better Than This

About six months ago I got my hair straightened. Permanently straightened, like a perm, but in reverse. Because the grass is always greener and curly hair is a pain so I decided I would make it straight. Forever!

But, just like my plan to send Becky away to a special camp didn't work out - you can't make something straight forever. It can pretend to be straight for a while. It'll look nice and go not freak out into a frizzy heap when you get out of the swimming pool, but soon enough the straight will wear off and you'll find it making out with it's bunk mate behind the nurse's station, and downloading all the Avril Lavigne music it can, WITH corresponding pictures.

Apparently when your hair grows out it doesn't turn straight, it stays the way you were born, and so now I have about three inches of curly hair at the base of my head trying to lift and twist the rest of my chemically altered hair.

So I took this picture of myself and sent it to Becky and Gabi with a note that said, "I think there should be a rule that I am not allowed to leave the house without blow drying my bangs anymore." And instead of what I thought I would get, which was something along the lines of "Oh, no you look fine! Don't worry about it!" what I got was, "OH MY GOSH YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN PUBLIC LIKE THAT!" and "That is a really good rule! Good lord!"

Thanks for the support ladies.

But oh my god are they right. I can't even look at this without covering my head. And I'm only posting it as a reminder to myself to NEVER GO SWIMMING WITHOUT A NEARBY FLAT IRON. I look like Joan Jett at the beginning of her drug faze. Or Billy Ray Cyrus, pre-Miley but just post Achey Breaky Heart. Or like it's 1992 and I tried to get a wave in my bangs but ran out of hair spray halfway through.

I might skip the $400 straightening next time. I mean those were a good few months, but I would pay double that if there was an undo button they could press so I quit scaring the good people at the early morning McDonald's drive-thru.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Ok so you're totally going to think I'm lying, but I just had this conversation with someone this morning about how I'd love to get my hair straightened and I told her all about you and how great it looks on you and how I want to be you when (if) I grow up. She told me to go for it.

THANK GOD I read this before I called the salon!!! Not that I love you any less but, I gotta go with the other girls on this one.

I have a hat you can borrow.