Thursday, December 14, 2006

An Open Letter to Munchies

Dear Flaming Munchies,

I love you so much it hurts. Yes, that could just be my stomach's reaction to having you for breakfast - but I don't care. I would eat you any time of any day. And I will continue to do so until my body reacts so violently I am unable to walk to the store to buy some more. I love you and your firey goodness burning up my mouth, and boring a hole through my stomach lining. My fingers are stained orange, and it will not wash away no matter how many times I scrub them with Lava soap. And I love it.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A: Do you want some flamin' hot pretzels?
G: (looks down in the trash can and see's a stack of pretzels) No thanks.