Friday, December 08, 2006

Work Got You Down?

Sometimes clients bring you bags of stuff instead of just the information needed.

Sometimes they also bring a box.

Sometimes a few bags, a box, and a bucket is necessary.

Although rooting through other people's mail - no matter how spider ridden it all is - usually seems like fun, today it wasn't on my top ten list of things I wanted to do.

I just double checked it.


Anonymous said...

I still have never understood how clients think a years' worth of junk mail and lingerie ads might get them a deduction on there tax return?!?!?!? Although I do tend to give a 10% discount to all clients that supply a Karolina Korkova pin-up...

Carrie said...

You forgot to mention the clients who come bearing a pink donut box, as if to ease the blow of dumping the complete contents of their Public Storage unit on your desk.